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About Us

The Trustees of The New Castle Common is a most unusual organization.

It is unique within Delaware and perhaps the entire United States. The Trustees have a fascinating history as old as New Castle, because the 'Common' land has existed since the days of early Dutch colonization.

In 1701, William Penn surveyed and formally recognized 1,068 acres which were already being used as a common. By the middle of that century, it became apparent that overseers were needed to protect and preserve the common lands for the benefit of all. A trust was incorporated in 1764, and a body of thirteen Trustees appointed for life terms to act as stewards of the land.


About thirty years ago these terms were reduced to twelve years. For over 250 years the mission has remained the same: to manage the common lands responsibly and for the benefit of the citizens of New Castle. Today, Trust income is derived primarily from property leases and investments.

There are thirteen Trustees Board members. They meet regularly on the first Tuesday of each month (except July and August) in the conference room at 807 Frenchtown Road. The Board accomplishes its work through a number of working committees.


President: Christopher DeAscanis
Vice President: Fred G. Gallagher, Jr.
Secretary: Michael J. Alfree, Sr.
Assistant Secretary: Tina Masiello
Treasurer: David A. Baldini
Assistant Treasurer: Francis J. DeAscanis, Jr.


For a current list of the committees and officers of the Trustees of the New Castle Common, please click here.



Meetings are scheduled for  the first Tuesday of each month, except in July and August when no meetings are held. In September and January the meeting date may be changed to the second Tuesday of the month, depending on when Labor Day and New Year's Day fall.


The meetings are held in the boardroom at Penn Farm, 807 Frenchtown Road, New Castle.


Residents are welcome to attend Trustee Board Meetings on a quarterly basis (the March, June, September and December meetings). 

In the past, there was a "Public Comment" period at the end of the four (4) publicly attended Board meetings. For all future publicly attended meetings, a "Public Comment" period will not be included on the agenda. Questions and comments by residents about Trust business should be sent to the "" email address. Timely responses will be given directly by the appropriate Trustee committee.

Please note: The minutes for all the Board meetings are posted on the website, here.


Meetings open to the public begin at 7:00 PM and are scheduled as follows:

March 4, 2025
June 3, 2025
September 5, 2025
December 2, 2025


(Note: any changes to these dates will be posted on this website.)

Current Trustees

Michael J. Alfree, Sr.

David A. Baldini

Thomas L. Clayton, Sr.

Marsha A. Corcoran


Christopher DeAscanis

Francis J. DeAscanis, Jr.

Thomas A. Episcopo

Fred G. Gallagher, Jr.


Regina Schauber Marini
Tina Masiello

Peter J. Toner
Thomas H. Wilson, Jr.

Gregory T. Yacucci

© 2025 by the Trustees of The New Castle Common

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